Airplane mode

Doing this, posting this, designing this, creating this, publishing this and deleting this.
I love to work and I love my job. But sometimes I wonder how it would feel to have a possibility to turn on a human airplane mode. Last month my screen time increased way too much and I spend more or less time working behind the computer. Maybe would be better for the whole world to develop a human airplane mode than a 5G.


Now back to the Advertising.

Some clothing brands that I like are doing one thing the same. I just figure that out today, but probably was in my head subconsciously before. They all have one page with random photos on their website, which has nothing to do with the brand. Or, how I see it now, has a lot to do with a brand. They are showing their belief how the brand will make you feel. Those brands are Aime Leon DoreDrole De Monsieur and TCI.

And back to the Brand Value.

It’s almost impossible to find an article or an ad today that is not connected to the COVID19 and it’s interesting to observe how one bacteria can turn the whole world upside down. One article that I enjoyed reading today was this one. One of the most interesting part for me was; “Let's talk a bit about sensitivities and tone for a brand right now. There's this new report from Edelman, the major global public relations firm, and they found 71% of consumers said now that if “they perceive that a brand is putting profit over people, they will lose trust in that brand forever." 


Disciplined idiot


Why brands should listen