Daniel Riccardo

Why the fuck is the title of this article a name of a Formula 1 driver? When it comes to brands in 2020, we are talking a lot about brand personality, which is nowadays almost, or even the most important ingredient of a brand. And if I would have to pick characteristics from one human being to define a good brand, I would pick this Australian mate 🦘.


He always smiles. He is always positive. And he makes the best jokes. But when it comes to racing, he is a goat. And I think brands should act the same. He never says he is the best driver, but he is joking before a race in France, that he had too much french wine so he probably won’t be really good. But he always delivers results. He doesn’t focus only on racing when it comes to his social media accounts, but he shows his real personality as well. And I believe this are the ingredients every brand should use.


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